Introducing vPenTest, a full-scale penetration testing platform that incorporates the latest knowledge, methodologies, techniques, and commonly used tools of multiple consultants into a single platform. vPenTest is designed to make network penetration testing more affordable, accurate, faster, consistent, and not prone to human error. Our proprietary framework continuously grows based on our research and development, enabling us to modernize the way penetration tests are conducted.
Traditional methods of seeking a qualified vendor for network penetration testing can be time-consuming and challenging. However, with vPenTest, we solve all of these challenges. Our platform provides quality deliverables that effectively communicate what vulnerabilities were identified, what risk it presents to the organization, as well as how to remediate those vulnerabilities from a technical and strategic standpoint.
Companies face some of the following challenges when looking for a qualified vendor:
Seeking a vendor that is available to perform the penetration test.
Interviewing the consultants to ensure their experience is advanced.
Hoping communication is consistent and frequent to ensure knowledge transfers between consultants and the primary point of contact
Ensuring the vendor doesn’t sell a vulnerability assessment as a penetration test.
Quality deliverables that effectively communicate what vulnerabilities were identified, what risk it presents to the organization, as well as how to remediate those vulnerabilities from a technical and strategic standpoint. The list goes on!
We’ve spent the last five years developing vPenTest to solve all of these challenges, and it only gets better!
With vPenTest, meet compliance requirements with more scheduling flexibility and real-time alerts. We provide more flexibility in schedule, alerting, real-time activity tracking, as well as segmentation testing to confirm isolation of sensitive networks. In addition to ensuring compliance readiness, vPenTest also tests for security deficiencies that deviate from security best practices.
Our progress tracker ensure that your IT team knows exactly what the progress is of the engagement, when it’s expected to be completed, as well as any preliminary findings that we’ve identified. Your team will always know when and what activities are taking place.
To maximize the value of our penetration tests, vPenTest includes an activity log that monitors all activities performed during the penetration test. Network teams can correlate our activities with their SIEM and incident response procedures. Every engagement is essentially a purple team assessment.
vPenTest can perform pre- and post-breach simulations at any time within both the internal and external network environments.
Using information from the public Internet to contribute to a successful attack against the environment, including employee names, email addresses, etc.
Performing discovery of systems and services within the environment targeted, and including active systems and port scanning.
Enumeration of services and systems to identify potentially valuable information, including vulnerability analysis.
Using information gathered from OSINT, host discovery, and enumeration, vPenTest also launches attacks against vulnerable services, including password-based attacks, man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks, relay attacks, and more.
After gaining an initial foothold on a system, vPenTest automatically attempts to launch privilege escalation attacks. New attack avenues will also be analyzed to determine if more access into the environment or sensitive data could be established.
Network penetration testing is a security test where experts try to hack into an organization’s computer network to find vulnerabilities and weaknesses. It’s like a “mock” hack to see if a hacker could get in and cause damage. The goal is to identify any problems and fix them before a real hacker can take advantage. It’s basically a way to check the security of an organization’s network.
vPenTest is a scripted network penetration testing platform that runs the exact same steps and processes performed by a security consultant doing a live pentest. This includes technical tasks such as host discovery, service enumeration, vulnerability analysis, exploitation, post-exploitation, privilege escalation and lateral movement, as well as documentation and reporting.
vPenTest combines the knowledge of multiple highly skilled penetration testers along with numerous tools and techniques used in the industry by penetration testers with over a decade of experience and certifications.
A vulnerability assessment simply informs an organization about the vulnerabilities that are present within its environment. However, a vulnerability assessment does not attempt to exploit those vulnerabilities to determine the potential impact of successfully exploiting those vulnerabilities. This is not a flaw with vulnerability scanners; they just simply aren’t designed to do this.
vPenTest differs in that it is able to perform exploitation and post-exploitation techniques to demonstrate to customers how successfully exploiting a vulnerability could potentially lead to further access to systems and/or confidential data leakage within their environment.
Traditional penetration tests are extremely time-consuming, whereas vPenTest can run numerous tools simultaneously, wait for them to complete, automatically analyze the results, and determine its next move. This saves a significant amount of time from simply running one command at a time. Furthermore, vPenTest reduces the time spent reporting from 6 hours (average between reporting, QA, etc.) to less than a minute. That’s a 29,900% speed increase per assessment that it saves.
In network penetration tests, several attempts are made to exploit security vulnerabilities with the ultimate goal of gaining access to data and systems. These exploit attempts include targeting patching deficiencies, authentication weaknesses, misconfigurations, and even users (via man-in-the-middle attacks). After an initial compromise, post-exploitation activities occur, which typically include privilege escalation, lateral movement, and enumeration of accessible resources to find sensitive data.
Some of the benefits of network penetration testing include the following:
It is common to expect an executive summary, technical report, and a vulnerability report (or spreadsheet) as part of the final deliverables for a network penetration test. These reports are specifically tailored toward executive and technical audiences to help understand the risks that the environment poses to the organization
The platform does indeed actually replicate some of the attacks documented in the MITRE ATT&CK framework, although the reporting structure does not currently include references to the framework at the moment.
Count on us for round-the-clock support, ensuring your peace of mind every hour of every day.
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